Selecting your german
Choose a
puppy that appears healthy and substantial
A GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPY FOR COLOR - the most important aspect of a dog
is it's trainability factor, health, hardiness and physical soundness.
Dogs bred for a certain color alone have poor genetics in the important
areas. This can be a tremendous problem later.
Always check
the pedigrees to make sure that there is no inbreeding. Inbreeding
can be a real problem with health issues as the dog grows.
German Dogs
direct from Germany offer the best information regarding health, and
trainability. Due to the strict breeding standards there should be
no inbreeding and no dogs bred without having earned their working
titles and Breed Survey. These are tools to help breeders know
which dogs are worthy of being in the gene pool.
Stay as far
away from the backyard breeders and cheap dogs as you can, these dogs
will not embody the qualities a top notch well bred German Shepherd.
These dogs can actually be unpredictable, unstable and untrainable and a
real liability not only to you but to the breed. Do not support
people who breed dogs with little or no knowledge of this great breed.
Once you
choose your breeder go often to the breeder and play with the puppies.
If the breeder has mastered the breeding of German Shepherds the puppies
should all look like they came out of the same 'cookie cutter'.
Temperaments and trainability should be consistent throughout the
litter. Males usually are larger and females smaller. There
should be no runts. Visiting often you can see which puppy you
gravitate to or vice versa.
If you are
not able to go to the breeders most good breeders are excellent at
picking a puppy for your needs. Be specific regarding your
requirements i.e. house and pet companion, show dog, breeding dog, or a
dog for work.
Don't rule
out a puppy that is apathetic the first time you visit, or one that is
shy. They could just be having a bad day. If for some reason
a puppy consistently shows this behavior I would stay away from him.
Look for
happy fun loving puppy - you can't go wrong.